The first Annual Gloves Spreading Love event brought amateur boxers and hundreds of community members together at King Greenleaf Recreation Center. Courtesy of Paul Taylor By Paul Taylor On Saturday, May 27, King Greenleaf Recreation Center’s outdoor basketball court was transformed into a boxing venue. The first annual Gloves Spreading […]
14th Annual Toys for Tots Drive Distributes over 4,000 Holiday Toys to Ward 6 Families
By Paul Taylor For the 14th consecutive year, the Southwest Comm-Unity Annual Christmas Toys for Tots drive and distribution was another huge success. Held on Saturday, December 17, 2022, at Westminster Presbyterian Church, this year’s event distributed over 4,000 toys to families throughout Ward 6. The generous supply of toys […]
Paul Taylor Receives DPR’s Employee of the Year Award

Paul Taylor, a member of the staff at King-Greenleaf Recreation Center, recently received the DC Department of Parks and Recreation Employee of the Year Award. The citation reads, “For achieving an outstanding level of operational excellence, delivering exceptional internal & external service, innovation, and having a measurable positive impact.” Paul is […]
Computer-for-Kids Graduation

Four students completed the Computer-for-Kids course: Stevon & Ravon Benson, Landen Johnson, and Miracle Matthews. Photo courtesy of Perry Klein. (photo caption: Miracle Matthews with her Computer-for-Kids certificate. Also in the photo are (L to R) Paul Taylor, speaker at the Graduation; Bruce Levine, SWNA President; Thelma Jones, SWNA YATF Chair; […]
Doing Good: Paul “Big South” Taylor, Legendary Community Hero

Every afternoon around 3:45pm the kids hurry to the recreation center to start their after school program and almost daily they are greeted by a towering 6-foot-7-inch man with long, silver-lined dreadlocks known as Paul “Big South” Taylor. One by one they acknowledge him as “South” while signing in as they […]