Izabela Miller to lead Amidon-Bowen Elementary School

Izabela Miller has accepted the offer to lead Amidon-Bowen Elementary School as its principal. She has held a variety of teaching and coaching positions in Poland, her home country, and in D.C. Her last assignment was at Powell Elementary School in NW, where she served as an instructional coach and […]

Tiber Island seeks landmark designation

The residential complex Tiber Island has filed a request for landmark designation with the D.C. Inventory of Historic Places and the National Register of Historic Places.  After evaluation by D.C. historic preservation staff and a Historic Preservation Review Board hearing, the board votes on the designation. The Board also decides […]

Southwest Neighborhood Assembly Responds to Wharf PUD

On July 18, the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly (the Assembly) submitted a testimony to the DC Zoning Commission on behalf of community residents. Printed here are excerpts from the testimony. The full testimony can be found at www.swdc.org/docs/SWNA_Waterfront_PUD_Zoning_Testimony_7-18-11.pdf. The following conclusions were adopted by the 18-member Assembly board based on comments […]

Ward 6 Redistricting Task Force created

Earlier this year the District went through a ward redistricting process, necessitated by the Census taken April 2010. Now, the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) and Single Member Districts (SMDs) will be redistricted as well.   Ward 6 Councilmember Tommy Wells has appointed a task force to develop and submit a […]