Jason Kopp, President of the Gangplank Slipholders Association, advised that his organization had reached agreement with the developers of The Wharf and thanked the ANC and other community members for their support.
Chairman Litsky and Commissioners Garber and McBee updated attendees on the future of the local United States Postal Service (USPS) branch on M Street SW, which is scheduled to close by the end of 2012 due to the property owner opting not to renew the USPS lease. The postmaster for the District of Columbia has advised that the USPS is attempting to negotiate with the owner of the property for the current post office to stay open.
Chairman Litsky introduced Gordon Fraley and David Smith, representing Forest City and Vornado, respectively, as the developers of Waterfront Station to request a two-year extension for Stage 1 PUD, specifically the Southwest and Northeast Parcels. Commissioner Craycraft introduced a resolution opposing the extension, which passed unanimously vote.
Commissioner Garber introduced John Bergert, Vice President Development of MRP Realty, to update the ANC on proposed changes to the former Florida Rock site immediately south of the Nationals Ballpark and adjacent to the Anacostia River. Commissioner Garber moved to support the plan as proposed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shockley and passed by a vote of 5-2-0 with Commissioners Hamilton and McBee opposing the revised plan.
Chairman Litsky introduced Juan Cameron of McCaverty Interests to share their plans for Square 701, which is bounded by M, First and N Streets, SE and Cushing Place Alley, SE; the block between Nationals Ballpark and the Navy Yard Metro station. Commissioner Garber moved that the ANC support the development as proposed. Commissioner Shockley seconded the motion which passed by a vote of 6-0-1 with Commissioner McBee abstaining.
Commissioner Garber discussed the interest from CSX for a curb cut on 861 New Jersey Ave., SE, near I Street. Commissioner Garber moved the ANC oppose the new curb cut request. Commissioner Craycraft seconded the motion, which passed by a vote of 6-0-1 with Commissioner McBee abstaining.
Courtesy of Bob Craycraft, ANC 6D01 Commissioner & ANC Secretary, Sept. 10