Mr. Thomas’ 2nd-3rd grade Math class had an opportunity to make a surprise trip to the White House on December 3rd. Ms. Poteau, School Program Director accompanied them.
The employees of District of Columbia Regulatory Administration at 1100 4th Street SW, held a hat and glove drive for the students at Amidon-Bowen. A large bag of colorful items was delivered the first week of December in time for the cold weather to come. They are being distributed to the children on a need basis.
Reading is Fundamental distributed books to students December 11th.
Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) is the nation’s oldest and largest children’s literacy organization. The DC RIF Initiative (DCI) project to help DC Public Schools improve youth literacy in the city was launched in 2006. For the past five years, RIF’s national headquarters has provided more than 250,000 free, new books to over 50 different DC public and charter school students during three citywide book distributions each year. Every child at Amidon-Bowen got to choose a new book, at no cost to them, their families or the school.
On December 12, Everybody Wins! DC and Target celebrated their 15th year at Amidon-Bowen with the annual Reading Mentors Appreciation Event in the Library. Mentors and their students enjoyed decorated “cake pops.” Each student received a book to take home courtesy of Target, lead mentor Corporate Sponsor for Amidon-Bowen. The event honored the contribution of the Reading Mentors from over 18 public and private organizations to the successful Power Lunch Program.
The Scholastic Book Fair took place in the spacious foyer of the school from December 12th to 14th. Ms. Zeiler, ABES Librarian, placed a “Penny Box” in every classroom. Students contributed their spare pennies so that every child would have money to buy a book that they choose. They raised enough for a $4.00 gift certificate for each student in grades 1 through 5.
“Toys for Tots” distributed toys to every child on December 21st. The Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program has raised money and collected new, unwrapped toys since 1991. In November and December they distribute them to kids in the local community in which there were donated.
By Meg Brinckman, a longtime contributor to The Southwester on education issues.