Zev Feder Memorial Service

The Zev Feder Memorial service will take place at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, July 13, at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 600 M St., SW.  A reception will follow. For more information regarding the service or if you want to give a 2-minute tribute, please contact Thelma Jones at thelma@thesouthwester.com or (202) 251-1639.

May Southwest Real Estate Update

I really think one of the leading indicators in our monthly chart is the average days on market.  If you only watch that you will have a great idea about the pace of the market.  A few weeks ago interest rates jumped dramatically and it will be very interesting to […]

OPED: We Deserve Statehood

Dear Neighbors, We are the citizens of the District of Columbia, and on Flag Day 2013, we want to say clearly that we deserve statehood. We are your fellow Americans, your neighbors, your brothers and sisters, your fathers and mothers, your long-lost cousins, and the people who help you with […]