Those touched by the Holocaust – survivors, rescuers, liberators, resisters, or witnesses – remind us of what can happen if prejudice, hate, and intolerance against any individual or group of people are not challenged by each one of us.

The Federal Inter-Agency Committee on the Holocaust Remembrance will hold its 21st Annual Holocaust Remembrance Program at the Lincoln Theater, located at 1215 U St NW, on May 7, 2014 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.

The program is designed to provide the experience through the eyewitnesses’ own voices:

  •  Irene Fogel Weiss, Czech Jewish Holocaust Survivor;
  •  Cesare Frustaci, Italian Jewish Holocaust Survivor;
  •  Sead Okic, Bosnian Muslim Survivor.

This remembrance program will include these additional memorable speakers and performers;

  •  Major General Sharon K. G. Dunbar as the Keynote Speaker;
  •  The “Dean of Broadcast,” ABC7/WJLA-TV Anchor Gordon Peterson, as  the Moderator; and
  •  The United States Army Brass Quintet and Soprano Amy Kwon for music and songs.

The program will provide valuable history lessons and emotions of the learned experience for all of us. The program is open to the public with free admission.

For more information, please visit:

By: Tony Fowler

Director of Interagency Affairs

U.S. Department of Education

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