Name: Melissa Rohan
Home: I have been calling DC my home since 2001 and moved to Southwest in 2005—I purchased my first home, a condo at Potomac Place Condominiums. Then, my husband and I moved into a townhouse so that we could start our family. We have three young children and I can’t imagine raising my family anywhere else. We are truly a blessed family.
Occupation: I am the president and founder of Waterfront Academy.
How has living in Southwest made it easier for you to do your job? Living here in Southwest is the best of all worlds. It is a family-friendly neighborhood and we still get to enjoy all the benefits of living in a city. This is the best place to raise our children. We get to see the Nationals play, we get to watch boats at Gangplank Marina, we get to take the Metro, we get to explore and learn at the Smithsonian museums, we get to play at the playgrounds and Southwest Duck Pond, and we get to check out books at the SW Library. Living here makes it easier to be a great mom.
What do you look forward to most? I am so grateful for all my blessings, and living here in Southwest is certainly one of those blessings. I am looking forward to my family and Waterfront Academy growing in Southwest.