Yes, it’s an eyesore. No, it does not fit the modern model that the neighborhood is becoming. But, boy is it convenient. Located right down the street, the Southwest location of the DC DMV, while it still has its faults and will continue to, has truly grown over the last few years. […]
DC’s Dwindling Affordable Housing Threatens the Stability of Families and the DC Economy
Sharply rising rents in the District have led to the virtual disappearance of low-cost private housing across the city, according to a new analysis by the DC Fiscal Policy Institute. Yet the District’s economy has left nearly half of its residents with stagnant incomes. As a result, a growing number […]
Air and Space Museum Best Spot to Watch WWII Victory Capitol Flyover
WHAT: “The Arsenal of Democracy: World War II Victory Capitol Flyover” WHEN: Friday, May 8, at approximately 12:10 p.m., the first formation at 1,000 feet will fly over the Lincoln Memorial. At 12:35 p.m., the Missing Man Formation will fly over the Lincoln Memorial to conclude the flyover. Rain date is Saturday, May […]
Friends of Southwest DC Announces Triple Match
At the Friends of Southwest DC (FOS) annual meeting on March 17 at Westminster Presbyterian Church, the big news was a triple match being offered during its spring fundraising. Every dollar donated, up to $10,000, by July 4, will be worth three dollars, thanks to an anonymous donor (see the […]
Bonding over Beautifying

What do a tire, wine bottles, candy wrappers, and discarded cigarettes have in common? If you said things you throw away, you’d be right. If you also said items that were picked up around the Southwest neighborhood, you’d be even more right! On a cold, windy April morning, a dozen neighbors banded […]
Who We Are

Name: Melissa Rohan Home: I have been calling DC my home since 2001 and moved to Southwest in 2005—I purchased my first home, a condo at Potomac Place Condominiums. Then, my husband and I moved into a townhouse so that we could start our family. We have three young children and I […]
ANC 6D April Report
The ANC 6D held its monthly meeting on Monday, April 13 at 1100 4th St. SW. There was a short agenda with a few notable items. Walter Adams gave a presentation on behalf of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia, Karl A. Racine. Adams emphasized the importance the […]