Would you like to hear about one woman’s efforts to reduce her chances of a breast cancer reoccurrence? Are you interested in learning more about complementary and alternative methods (CAMs) for treating illness? Would you like to know how to reduce toxicities in your bodies? If your answer is “yes” to one or all of these questions, the Thelma D. Jones Breast Cancer Fund welcomes you and your guest to an exciting evening with Ann Fonfa, president and founder of the Annie Appleseed Project Thursday, July 23 at 6:30 p.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 Eye St. SW. Fonfa will discuss “Natural Strategies to Reduce Toxicities and Risks,” which will include information based on 20 years of her advocacy, attending conferences, reading journals, etc. It is her quest to educate about the thousands of studies on natural methods to deal with many of the issues caused by cancer and the conventional treatments currently used to treat them. Make it a point to attend and gather valuable information while asking all the questions you ever wanted to know about CAMs.
Diagnosed with breast cancer in January 1993, Fonfa suffered from multiple chemical sensitivity so consequently she refused chemo and radiation. She began researching other methods and gathered so many possibilities that she founded the Annie Appleseed Project, which enabled her to share her knowledge and wisdom widely. Using social media as well as in-person presentations and conferences, the project has educated literally millions. In addition to her advocacy work with the Annie Appleseed Project, Ann continues to participate in grant reviews, serve on committees and boards, and travel extensively to gather and share information. Fonfa will share simple, non-toxic methods to help those dealing with cancer. In addition to her passion for sharing information, Fonfa is the doting grandmother of two boys ages eight and 10.
Founded in April 2010 in Southwest, the Thelma D. Jones Breast Cancer Support Group (formerly the American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Support Group—Southwest DC) has welcomed approximately 400 women, men, and caregivers to its monthly support group meeting, which is held on the third Wednesday of each month in the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly’s/ANC 6D Conference Room. Along with outstanding speakers and presenters, participants share their journey, treatment modalities, concerns, fears, and coping strategies with others in a supportive and trusting environment. All conversations are kept confidential.
This special meeting is free and open to the public with special thanks to the Friends of SW DC. Refreshments will be provided by the Annie Appleseed Project. RSVP is required by COB Thursday, July 16. To RSVP and for more information about the event or the breast cancer support group, please email tjones15@verizon.net or call (202) 251-1639.
Thelma D. Jones contributed to this article.