Photo caption: Chancellor Antwan Wilson, U.S. Secretary of Education Betty DeVos, Principal Dohmann.

Photo caption:Martin Welles and Bruce DarConte speak with reporters.
Photos by Perry Klein.
On Friday, Feb. 10, the new Chancellor of DC Public Schools (DCPS) Antwan Wilson and U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos visited my school, Jefferson Academy. We were the first public school visited by Secretary DeVos since she was confirmed as secretary. It was an exciting and interesting event. I had the opportunity to meet and greet them when they arrived. Of course I was nervous at first, but once I got to know them and talk to them, I felt a lot better. We talked about how I was doing and what I thought about Jefferson.
During the visit, the chancellor and secretary visited two classrooms and met with staff members from Jefferson and DCPS. We shared the great things happening at Jefferson and across the district and asked questions about how the chancellor and secretary would lead our schools moving forward.
While the secretary’s visit was somewhat controversial, Jefferson Principal Greg Dohmann saw it as a major opportunity for not only Jefferson, but public schools across the country. “Secretary Devos’s visit was an opportunity to show off what great public education looks like. Many public educators nationwide feel anxious about the new administration, particularly the secretary’s views on public versus charter schools,” Mr. Dohmann says. “Since Jefferson was her first school visit, we had a responsibility to demonstrate the incredible impact of a great public school. I feel strongly that we accomplished that goal.”
Overall, having the chancellor and secretary visit our school was a great experience for me and all of my Jefferson Academy family.
By: Kreshaun Brooks
Sixth grader, Jefferson Academy