By Southwester Staff
Each holiday season, the Thelma D. Jones Breast Cancer Fund (TDJBCF) focuses on breast cancer and its impact on the family, children, and the survivor. The TDJBCF also works to raise greater awareness about reducing one’s risks for developing the disease, early detection, mammography screening, adherence, and genetic counseling and testing.
Join the TDJBCF on Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 6 p.m. via Zoom and TDJBCF Facebook Live as they welcome guest speaker Deltra James, 35, Triple Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) Survivor, along with one of her daughters. A Connecticut-based mom of five amazing girls, she strives to raise cultural and health awareness by focusing on thriving through education, advocacy, connecting and radical self-care. She is passionate about mental and emotional wellness, creative expression as a means of coping, community building and connecting Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) women with people and spaces that can care for their whole selves. Deltra is a member of Cactus Cancer Society’s YAC advisory board, the inaugural class of For the Breast of Us Baddie Ambassadors and the Our MBC Life podcast staff, and serves as Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator for Project Life MBC. Joining the event from Connecticut, Deltra will delve deep and share her breast cancer journey, which included simultaneously managing her health, motherhood role, and other interests.
In addition, Marissa I. McKeever, Esq., Director of Government and Community Affairs, Sibley Memorial Hospital, Johns Hopkins Health System, will discuss Sibley’s programs and services to the DC community, as well as provide updates from Maddie Troy, Senior Development Manager, American Cancer Society, NE Region. The support group meeting will also include caroling and a performance by Vocalist Cecily Bumbray.
In addition, considering that we will spend more time in our homes during the holidays and the winter months, the TDJBCF would like to help ensure that our homes and families are safe. Join on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 6 p.m. via Zoom or TDJBCF Facebook Live for a presentation on “Healthy Home for the Holidays.” Presenters will share information on identifying everyday toxins in our homes, making simple changes that can impact the health of our homes and our health, and taking care of ourselves with healthier personal care. The presentation will feature Erin Speiser, Ph.D., MA, CCRP, Project Manager, Environmental Research-DIEHC, Hackensack University Medical Center, and Traci N. Bethea, Ph.D., MPA, Assistant Professor of Oncology, Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.
For more information on the TDJBCF, and for the Zoom links, please visit www.tdjbreastcancerfund.org or call (202) 251-1639.