By Regina Mazur
For more than two years, the mission of Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid (SYC/W6MA) has remained the same: providing Black and Brown youth and families with resources that others in DC may already have.
To ensure that everyone has access to warm clothing this winter season, Serve Your City/ Ward 6 Mutual Aid continues to run the Children’s Coat Drive, which started on October 1 and will continue through December 3.
Donations of new and gently used children’s coats (all ages), as well as adult coats, will be accepted. For adults, the greatest need is coats sizes 1X and larger. Other winter accessories for children, adults, and infants such as mittens, hats, scarves, and boots are also accepted and are also very much needed.
Cash donations can be made at https://bit.ly/sycw6ma-coatdrive.
Neighbors can support the coat drive by dropping off donations of the coats and gear at Christ United Methodist Church, the back courtyard entrance off of Wesley Place SW. Follow the pathway across from the Southwest library. Donation times are Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
This Month’s Donation Needs:
SYC/W6MA Southwest Pod provides our neighbors with food, cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items. Our greatest needs this month are:
- Food: soup, breakfast bars, pasta sauce, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cold cereal
- Cleaning: dish soap, spray disinfectant, bleach
- Personal Hygiene: mouthwash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap
Special Request Needs:
Small stationary exercise bike for a senior recovering from surgery
Sewing Supplies: fabric, needles, thread, buttons, etc.
You can find the SYC/W6MA table at the Southwest Farmers Market every Saturday of the month (weather permitting). Donations of fresh produce, meat, and dairy products are accepted and help to provide a healthy selection of food. Please stop by to say hi and donate.
Food Distribution: Takes place at Christ United Methodist Church at 900 4th St SW. On the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 2:30 p.m. CUMC gives out groceries, paper products, and cleaning supplies. SYC/W6MA gives out fresh produce, eggs, and bread every Saturday at the same time and location. If you need additional support with food and supplies, please call the Mutual Aid Hotline at 202-683- 9962 or email ward6mutualaid@gmail.com
Want to Learn More or Get Involved? We need more people to help with the food distribution on Saturdays please contact us for more information at swmutualaid@serveyourcity.org.