The Edgewood/Brookland Family Support Collaborative (E/BFSC) is now officially providing neighborhood-based services to families in SW as well as all of Ward 5 and Ward 6. E/BFSC currently has a satellite office in St. Augustine’s Church and is in the process of opening another site in SW as the church will be temporarily closed as part of the revitalization of the SW waterfront. Below is a brief overview of E/BFSC and our services and programs. Please look for additional information and updates to the residents of SW regarding our services and programs in future editions of The Southwester.

Who is the Edgewood/Brookland Family Support Collaborative?

E/BFSC is one of five neighborhood-based collaboratives in the District of Columbia, which make up the city-wide Healthy Families, Thriving Communities Collaborative. E/BFSC has been in existence since 1996 when a partnership consisting of residents and neighborhood based organizations received a planning grant from the DC Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA). E/BFSC opened its first Family Support Center in Brookland Manor housing complex, located in Ward 5, in 1997 and began formally serving families.

In 2011, E/BFSC expanded its geographic target area and now provides services to all communities in Ward 5 and Ward 6. More specifically, E/BFSC began providing family preservation and supportive services to Ward 6 families as part of the Healthy Families Thriving Communities Collaboratives city-wide effort.

What services does E/BFSC provide?

  • E/BFSC’s Family Preservation and Support Services represent a broad range of services aimed at families who are in need of community services and support. Services include, but are not limited to: case management, housing services and support, parent education and support, fatherhood services and community referrals.
  • E/BFSC’s Workforce Development Program is designed to assist families and individuals in Ward 5 and 6 to become more self-sufficient by increasing education attainment and removing social barriers to secure employment. All programs provide educational and employment readiness opportunities, job placement and post-employment retention.
  • E/BFSC’s Capacity Building Programs are designed to develop and expand programs and support for families and children at the neighborhood level. Through collaborative efforts, transformation and positive change for communities, families and children can occur. Programs include, but are not limited to: community outreach, child abuse and neglect prevention, resident and community trainings and community networking meetings.

Below is a listing of E/BFSC’s Support Centers and Satellite Offices currently located in Ward 5 and Ward 6.

Main Office, Ward 6
200 K St. NW  Suite 1 & 3
Washington, DC 20001
202-832-9400; 202-216-9263 (fax)

Edgewood Terrace Family Support Program, Ward 5
611 Edgewood St. NE  Suite 106
Washington, DC 20017
202-832-9400; 202-529-1099 (fax)

Satellite Program at Browne Educational Campus, Ward 5
850 26th St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
202-832-9400; 202-388-6405 (fax)

Satellite Program at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Ward 6
600 M St. SW
Washington, DC 20024
202-863-2101; 202-863-2106 (fax)

To get more information about E/BFSC’s programs and services:

  • Visit our website (
  • Call E/BFSC’s Main Office: 202-832-9400
  • Stop by one of our neighborhood support centers

Courtesy of Sharon Crytzer, Deputy Director of the Edgewood/Brookland Family Support Collaborative.

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