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Photos courtesy of Perry Klein.

On Thursday, April 2, after baseball practice, Jefferson’s baseball coach, Mr. Ronald Hines, Sr. (Coach Horse), and a representative of the Washington Nationals baseball team, Mr. Bardach, carpooled us to the National’s stadium. Upon our arrival to the stadium, we respectfully waited to meet our tour guide. When the tour guide arrived, he warmly greeted us and introduced himself as Mr. London. Some of us shook his hand and offered some small talk. This was the beginning of a memorable tour.

Our first stop was the basement of the stadium, where Mr. London graciously gave donations to our team: two L-screens, which is a pitcher safety screen; a box of baseballs; and a Nationals jersey for each team member with matching Nationals hats. After receiving these wonderful gifts, we headed back to the garage where we were parked to take pictures. There, our group took one picture with the uniforms on and another picture holding the new equipment.

From the garage we went through a tunnel leading to the baseball field. Here we stood on the field’s dirt enjoying our experience and savoring the moment. We were not allowed to touch the grass on the field, but we were honored to have such an exciting view of the stadium and baseball field. Our last photo was taken on the baseball field with Mr. Horse, Mr. London, and Mr. Bardach. While standing on the field, the wonderful tour guide also shared with us what it takes to maintain the beautification of the stadium diamond cut grass. Mr. London mentioned that what we see is the result of a hard-working team of groundskeepers and landscapers.

At the end of the tour, we shook hands and thanked Mr. London and Mr. Bardach for taking time from their busy schedule to give us insight into the stadium. We also thanked Mr. London and shared with him our appreciation for his generous gift donations.

Our Jefferson Academy baseball team includes Coach Ronald E. Hines, Sr., players Dwayne Monroe, Maurice Plater, Malique Mller, Perrion Bellinger, Andre Porter, Junoven Smith, Jacob Nebinett, Ricquan Coleman, Kiven Rears, Donnell Winfield, Markell Howard, Nezer Harper, Marcell Robinson, Mikel Williams, and team captain Gassell Williams. The Jefferson Academy Middle School baseball team and family are thankful for the experience and hope to return. Catch the baseball team at a field near you!

By: Malique Miller, 7th grader at Jefferson Academy

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