Career Mentoring Program Launches in SW

D.C. Mentoring and Achievement Program (D.C. MAAP), a new workforce development program in Southwest D.C., opened its doors Saturday, Feb. 16. This new initiative will assist D.C. residents looking for entry-level jobs, particularly in the hospitality, entertainment and service sectors. The economic, racial and physical landscape of Southwest is changing […]

SW Youth Experience Educational Games Expo

Three students from the Computers for Kids program of the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly’s Youth Activities Task Force (YATF) attended the ED Games Expo 2019, held on Jan. 8 at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. This allowed 125 developers of educational games to showcase their programs, with […]

Why Amidon-Bowen?

As deadlines approach for DC’s School lottery, many Southwest families are considering whether to send their child to Amidon-Bowen Elementary School (ABES), or elsewhere. Any families considering ABES or other DC public or charter schools must enroll in the lottery by March 1 through “The Southwester” interviewed the Co-Presidents […]

Amidon-Bowen Girls’ Track Team is #1 in DC

Jan. 2 was the first day of school after a long winter holiday break. This was also the date of the DC Interscholastic Athletic Association (DCIAA) Championship Indoor Track and Field Meet for DC’s elementary schools. Despite the long winter holiday break that interrupted the regular training routine of Amidon-Bowen Elementary School’s […]