College for Kids Program open to help children envision their futures

Students ages 9 to 12 can learn in six Saturdays under the College for Kids Program that college is for them. Professionals will explain college life to the students and arrange a visit to a college campus – all under the sponsorship of the National Congress of Black Women (NCBW) […]

Amidon-Bowen’s Open House

A U.S. Army Color Guard from Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall presented the colors held to celebrate the remarkable interior makeover at Amidon-Bowen on Sept. 8. JBM-HH is Amidon-Bowen’s Partner in Education in Southwest Washington. This impressive ceremony opened the program that officially introduced Amidon-Bowen’s “new look” to the community. The […]

Seeing the Future: Greeting Students at Amidon-Bowen

An excited 3rd grader walked into the new, open and welcoming lobby of the renovated Amidon-Bowen Elementary School Aug. 27 exclaiming, “This looks like the future!”  When this was reported to Joseph Sullivan, Program Manager for the Office of Public Education Facilities and Modernization, he replied with a broad smile, […]