Stay Up-to-Date and Alert!

Special highlight by D.C. Homeland Security & Emergency Management Agency Want to receive alerts about traffic, public safety or widespread power and water utility outages in Southwest right to your email or phone? With AlertDC, you can!  AlertDC is D.C.’s official communication system. It allows users to sign up for […]

Transportation Task Force Revs Up

In Nov. 2018, the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly (SWNA) renewed its commitment to all activities concerning transportation with the rejuvenation of the Transportation Task Force (TTF). Co-chaired by Bruce Levine and Adom M. Cooper, the task force is comprised of the following members: Lexie Albe, Katelynd Mahoney Anderson, Stacy Baker, Kathik […]

Get to Know Your New SW Elected Officials

On Nov. 6, Southwesters elected three new Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners, and a new Ward 6 Representative on the State Board of Education. “The Southwester” reached out to these newly elected representatives and asked them to submit a brief statement about themselves, their priorities and their goals in their new positions. […]

Flood Risk Assessed for Southwest

Location of the D.C. levee system and leveed area; Photo: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers The District of Columbia Levee System, also referred to as the Potomac Park Levee System, was constructed near the National Mall by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in the 1930s to reduce Potomac […]