Annual Holiday Toys for Tots Drive Touches Hundreds of Southwest Families

By Paul Taylor For the 12th consecutive year, the Southwest Comm-Unity Annual Christmas Toys for Tots was another huge success. Held on Saturday, December 12, 2021 at Westminster Presbyterian Church, the Toys for Tots event was a bit different from previous years to practice proper COVID protocols. Parents and children […]

National Cherry Blossom Festival to Return in 2022

By Southwester Staff The National Cherry Blossom Festival will make its return in 2022, after the pandemic cancelled 2021 events and caused authorities to warn visitors away from the Tidal Basin during cherry blossom season.  National Cherry Blossom Festival President Diana Mayhew announced that the festival’s signature events will take […]

Performance Art, Sculpture Sound Collective Call for Freedom 

 By Southwester Staff At sunrise on October 15 on the National Mall, Abigail DeVille’s new performance, WAKE UP: Liberation Call at Dawn, called citizens to attention through a procession rooted in drumming, referencing various cries of protest and action throughout American history, a narrative that includes lesser-known events such as […]

National Museum of African Art Exhibit Bridges Distance and History

By Southwester Staff  Currently on view at the Smithsonian ​​National Museum of African Art, the exhibit “Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange across Medieval Saharan Africa” is filled with delightful surprises for lovers of art and archeology.  Covering 800 years of trade over three continents, the […]