Councilmember Allen Recognizes Neighborhood Leaders in Annual Awards Ceremony

Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen presents a 2024 Brickie Award to Pam Troutman, Executive Director of Waterfront Village. Courtesy of Fredo Vasquez By Southwester Staff In December, DC Councilmember Charles Allen hosted the 18th annual Ward 6 Brickie Awards at Arena Stage in Southwest. The Brickies is an annual celebration […]

Friends of Southwest DC and King-Greenleaf Recreation Center’s Coach Skip Honored at Brickie Awards

By Guy Aldridge  Ward 6’s annual Brickies award ceremony returned to an in-person format at the Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital on December 7 after two years of virtual ceremonies during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the internet age, some workplaces and organizations are wondering if a “return to […]

Charles Allen Announces 2021 Brickie Award Winners

By Southwester Staff On December 2, Councilmember Charles Allen announced the winners of the 15th annual Ward 6 Brickie Awards in a live streamed ceremony. The awards, which take the shape of a brick, are awarded to Ward 6 residents in categories such as civic pride, public service and more. […]

The Brickies Honor Ward 6 Community

On Dec. 6, 2017, Councilmember Charles Allen hosted the 11th Annual Ward 6 Brickie Awards and community celebration. The awards are an annual celebration of the people, places, and organizations that make the Ward 6 community great, and were the biggest yet. Begun 10 years ago by then–Ward 6 Councilmember Tommy […]