Waterfront Academy Montessori Miles

By Kate Oczypok Waterfront Academy is taking a unique, fun approach to fundraising this fall. The school has launched “Montessori Miles” this November, encouraging interested participants to run, jog or walk 30 miles in 30 days this November. With registration, you can get a t-shirt that features a “Running Knight” […]

It Takes a Neighborhood: Why Amidon-Bowen Is the Right School for All Our Kids

As an education researcher and a former teacher, I have spent a lot of time thinking about the plight of urban schools and their challenges with poverty, student achievement, and teacher quality and turnover. Amidon-Bowen Elementary School in Southwest faces many of these issues: Test scores are low, and 78% […]

Scholarship Awards Double from Last Year

Photo caption: Scholarship students (first row, left to right): Kiana Livingston, Bianca Kersellius, Haili Blassingame, Sequoia Lucas, and Najma Pettiford. (Second row, left to right): Tiffany Livingston, Roman Hamilton, Gary T. Hill, Tsahai Pettiford, and Attalah Shabazz. Not pictured: Asha Marshall and Marlon Mitchell.   Photo caption: Sequoia Lucas with some of her […]