By Kitty Felde There was nothing wrong with spending most of December watching your favorite Christmas movie over and over again. There’s nothing wrong with ordering your favorite dish at a restaurant or returning to your favorite spot for vacation year after year.And there’s nothing wrong with re-reading your favorite […]
Young Readers: Meet a Writer
By Kitty Felde There is something special about meeting a writer. You get to peek inside their brain to find out where those characters came from and whether they were based on real people. And you get your book autographed. Kids are even more excited about meeting writers. They treat […]
Young Readers: It’s Still My Favorite
By Kitty Felde It’s the hardest question in the world: what’s your favorite book and why? I ask it at book festivals, classroom visits, and tapings of the Book Club for Kids podcast. I’m often surprised when kids and adults name a picture book – and then recite from memory […]
Young Readers: Read the Ballot
By Kitty Felde It’s hard for a child to ignore the fact that we’re in the midst of an election.The ads are everywhere. The presidential race is always at the top of the news. Mailboxes are flooded with campaign fliers. It’s the perfect time to use the election as a […]
Young Readers: Don’t Say No
By Kitty Felde Parents say no a lot. No, you can’t stay up till midnight. No, you can’t spend your entire allowance on candy. No, you can’t play video games every single minute of every single day. When do we finally get to say “yes?” Say hello to yes. I […]
Young Readers: Stop and Start
By Kitty Felde Admit it. Our attention spans have shrunk in this era of social media. It’s even worse with kids. So how do you get a child to put down the phone and pick up a book? One solution, offered by our neighbors to the north, is perfect for […]
Young Readers: Survey Says
By Kitty Felde Libraries are gearing up for summer reading programs and teachers are handing out summer reading assignments. Now, it’s up to you to make sure that reading gets done. As you know, it can be a challenge getting your child to actually pick up a book when the […]