The scheduled opening of Van Ness Elementary for the 2015-16 school year is taking shape and the School Improvement Team (SIT) has been formed. A SIT is established at every school where a modernization, addition, or remodel is taking place during the next fiscal year. Its purpose is to provide input on the schematic design […]
New Head of School and Address for Waterfront Academy
Waterfront Academy is scheduled to open in June at Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Church, located at 60 I Street SW. Waterfront Academy is a dual immersion (Spanish and English), faith-based Montessori school with an emphasis on charity and stewardship in the Catholic tradition. In addition to a new location, we are […]
Summer School Open for K-8 DCPS
Free bus service will be provided for those children K-5 that are enrolled for summer school at Miner Elementary School (Amidon Bowen is not a summer site this year). Summer school starts July 1st (Monday) through August 2nd (Friday). The bus will depart at 7:35 AM in front of Amidon […]