Know Your Neighborhood: DC DMV Inspection Station

Yes, it’s an eyesore. No, it does not fit the modern model that the neighborhood is becoming. But, boy is it convenient. Located right down the street, the Southwest location of the DC DMV, while it still has its faults and will continue to, has truly grown over the last few years. […]

Know Your Neighborhood: 3D Printing

(photo caption: A few of the items that Editor-in-Chief Shannon Vaughn has had printed include an iPhone case, a grocery bag holder, and chopsticks.) “Hey, you’re already paying for it, so why would you go pay hundreds of dollars?” George asked me. In the past couple of years, 3D printing has taken […]

From The Fort: An Interview with LTG Mike Flynn

On August 18th, Lieutenant General (LTG) Michael Flynn sat down with me at his home on Ft. McNair to discuss life on post, the Southwest neighborhood, his storied military career, and plans for the future. In our talk, LTG Flynn spoke extensively on how change is never easy yet sometimes […]