Candidate for Vice President
Perry Klein, candidate for vice president, has been a resident of Town Square Towers Condominium in Southwest with his wife, Sue, and daughter, Sherry, since 1971. He has a Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and has been vice president of Washington Cable since its incorporation in 1979.
Perry has been on the SWNA board since 1998 in various roles, including as District 1 representative, vice president, and chair of the Technology Task Force. He was part of the original team that developed the swdc.org website in 1998. In recent years, as Technology Task Force chair, he has led the effort to collect surplus computers and refurbish them for use by families and students, as well as set up several computer centers in Southwest public housing and at Amidon-Bowen and Jefferson schools to help reduce the “digital divide” in the neighborhood.
Perry has also been responsible for distribution of The Southwester since late 2009, which includes picking up the papers from the printer near Dulles each month. He negotiated the transition of The Southwester to all color and also arranged the installation of two dozen orange distribution boxes in Southwest and near Southeast, which were sponsored by two grants from ANC 6D.