Welcome to the Neighborhood: Brothers of St. Dominic Priory

Photo courtesy of Fr. Gerry Lessard, O.P. Names? (Front to back, left to right) Bros. John Sica, Michael Weibley, Athanasius Murphy, Joseph-Anthony Kress, Louis Bertrand Lemoine, Patrick Briscoe, Dominic Verner, Gregory Pine, Clement Dickie, and Raymond Snyder, O.P.   Where did you move from? We are from all over the United States: New […]

Grand Slam for Amidon PTA Back-to-School Night at Nationals Park

A huge cadre of children, parents, teachers, and staff attended Amidon PTA Back-to-School Night on Sept. 9 at Nationals Park. In what has become an annual tradition, the Nationals have partnered with Amidon-Bowen Elementary School and the PTA to make Back-to-School Night a fantastic success. This year, family night at […]