Essay: Computers, Kids, Graduation and Southwest

  Before I joined the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly (Assembly) nearly four years ago, I had never heard of Computer for Kids, much less why I might care about it. And even then, I considered it a marginal program, “graduating” just a handful of kids—kids I’d quite likely never meet. “Graduating” […]

Crime statistics in Southwest D.C.

November 15, 2012, 7-8:00 P.M., Harbour Square Cooperative 500 N SW Participants: Lt. Nicholas Gallucci and Sgt. Michael Architzel of PSA 105, Naomi Monk and Irv Gamza, PSA 105 meeting coordinators/facilitators and John McGrath, recorder; ANC Commissioners Ron McBee (6D03) and Roger Moffatt (6D05). A total of 23 persons were […]

What will the hotels on the Wharf be like?

Plans for two hotels in the Wharf development were presented to the Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 6D at their last meeting. These will be just northwest of 7th Street, on the waterfront, in Parcel 5 of the development. The ANC commissioners will meet with the developers over the next month […]

In Brief: DC Zoning Commission News

The DC Zoning Commission approved the plans for Parcel 11 of the Wharf development at their December 10 meeting. This parcel contains parks as well as the new building with St. Augustine Church and condominiums. The committee also decided to delay its vote on the apartment building and retail development at […]

Highlights of Monthly PSA 105 Meeting

October 18, 2012, 7-8:30 P.M., Potomac Place, 800 4th St. SW Participants : Sgt. Michael Architzel (substituting for Lt. Nicholas Gallucci) and Officer Vogel, PSA 105; Sgt. Woodland (PSA 102 – in training); Naomi Monk and Irv Gamza, PSA 105 meeting coordinators/facilitators and John McGrath, recorder; Carolyn Smith, 1D Outreach; […]